Monday, October 3, 2011

How To Win In 2012

President Obama has been struggling to find his voice. The man who spoke with eloquence and purpose during the '08 Campaign has been lost and by some forgotten. If Mr. Obama is going to have a second term he needs to speak to the anger and frustration that people are feeling. Because right now people are mad that they got screwed over by the Wall Street banks and frustrated with the government they elected. The majority of Americans who voted for Mr. Obama voted for him so he could change a broken Washington and get Democrats and Republicans to at least talk to each other. Instead we have more fighting and more debt with nothing to show for it. The once great middle class is sinking and the wealth gap in America is the biggest its been since the Great Depression. Where is the leadership?

The millions of moderates, liberals, and even conservatives that energized his campaign feel let down and disappointed. How can you blame them? Nearly a third of homes in America are underwater and the unemployment figures continue to disappoint. Add on top of it the seemingly endless gyrations in the stock market, people are hungry for a leader. That is why the Republicans are still searching for a voice and are unhappy with their current crop of candidates. Only one president has one reelection with unemployment over 8% and that is Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mr. Obama could learn a few things by studying FDR and his campaign. He should especially listen to the speech he gave at Madison Square Garden in October 32, 1936.

or listen to the MP3.

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